Twelve week program

Are you suffering with low mood, low energy, impaired concentration, negative thoughts, disturbed sleep, or appetite? Are you struggling to enjoy activities? Are you anxious, zoning out, or experiencing flashbacks? Do you feel run down a lot, have reduced immunity or signs of inflammation? Do you have digestion issues, struggle to lose weight, or feel confused about what you should be eating for optimal health? Are you struggling to motivate yourself to exercise, or unsure about what exercise is best for your body? Have you become disconnected from social activities or the things that bring you joy in life? Are you struggling to make changes in your life despite a continuing decline in health, wellbeing and quality of life?

I can help you alleviate these symptoms and assist you in making behavioural changes to address these issues. I use my medical, psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and yoga therapy assessment skills to gain a thorough, holistic understanding of your current issues. I know that many people have the experience of seeing specialists who are only interested in one, narrow aspect of their health. With my experience in Lifestyle Medicine, Psychiatry and Yoga Therapy, I take a very broad view of your health and consider everything that may be impacting upon your wellbeing, then devise a plan with you to address these issues. I develop trust and connection with you by listening to your concerns and respecting your wishes around how to approach your progress into wellness. Through a supportive and compassionate approach, I empower you to make positive behavioural changes, improving your health and quality of life. I will support you to make evidence-based changes to your nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress-management and social connectedness. I also weave in yoga therapy practices, including evidence-based grounding techniques, breath work, meditation, and gentle physical practices. Yoga therapy uses the body, through grounding, breathing and physical practices and the mind, through mindfulness practices to alleviate suffering. 

There is a wealth of evidence to support the benefit of these lifestyle changes and yoga therapy practices in managing physical and mental health conditions as so many have suboptimal lifestyle practices at their root. In the case of severe physical and mental health difficulties, they can also be very helpful in combination with traditional treatment and may even reduce or stop the need for medications.

Each session is followed by a comprehensive written summary providing the personalised plan that we generate together and including a reminder of all of the recommended tools and practices.

This valuable, executive lifestyle medicine course is a rare opportunity to work with me; a practitioner who has experience in Lifestyle Medicine, Psychiatry and Yoga Therapy. The course offered will be curated to each individual based on the assessment process, so it will be unique to you and therefore unavailable elsewhere. In return for this investment in you, I ask that you commit to attending all sessions in the course. The exchange is $5999 for 12 hours with me. This is split in to 6 sessions, held on alternate weeks over a 12-week period. This is the minimum amount of time needed for these types of lifestyle changes to make an impact on your health and in which the behavioural changes become embedded. Payment plans are available. For those who wish to make an exchange of services, I have kept a small number places available so that financial constraints are not a barrier to accessing this service. Please understand that there is a considerably longer waiting list for these places.

Places are limited and there is currently a short waiting list. To secure a place please fill out this contact form.

This individualised course has been very well received, and clients found it very helpful. These are a selection of testimonials from previous clients. 


“Dr. Laura Murphy is an absolute treasure. She is kind, knowledgeable, talented, intuitive, and generous of spirit.  During a time when I was actively reclaiming my health, Laura came alongside me to help me to create a plan that addressed several areas of my life including work-life balance, stress-management, nutrition, rest, fitness, and some issues that I have carried longer than necessary.  I never found her neutral.  She was always on my side and in my court.  She was also always nonjudgmental, and so safe.  I can't recommend Laura enough, or say enough positive things about our time together.  I always left our meetings feeling encouraged and supported.” 


overwhelming and felt that nothing really had much positive impact and this made me feel that I had very little control over my health.

What I really liked about Laura's approach was that it is holistic; all aspects of health are addressed and also broken down so it not overwhelming.  For example, nutrition was explored first, then movement, stress and general life; with all these threads then overlapping as all these aspects of lifestyle affect each other.  I was given some great tools and apps to support these areas.  These continue to be hugely beneficial; they give quite simple suggestions which are easy to follow; this is really important to encourage perseverance I believe. 

I have developed a regular meditation/breath practise; am slightly stronger as a result of more structured movement and have introduced more healthy foods to my diet.

I feel I have a much better understanding of how foods/stress and lifestyle impacts health and what is actually happening in the body . This is explained in a way that makes some of the science easy to understand.

The other really positive aspect of the coaching was that Laura took a very comprehensive history and therefore was able to build on habits and knowledge already in place; for example I practise yoga and she built on this rather than suggesting a whole new exercise regime.  Meeting weekly ,or fortnightly, helped to keep me accountable and i always felt supported and encouraged. Even if I felt I was slipping or had not had such a good week, Laura always focused on the positives and also helped me to understand the long term benefits of changes rather than hoping or quick fixes.  She always has suggestions on how to tweak things if I need to, and these tweaks build on knowledge/habits already gained so are more manageable.  The coaching has also encouraged me to explore further and feel more confident about doing this.

Lastly, Laura has very warm and empathetic manner and is great at communicating; which can be trickier on zoom.  I spent a large chunk of the first session in tears but now feel generally more positive, more in control and more optimistic for the future.”


“I have been receiving health coaching from Laura for about 8 weeks and it's been the best thing I could have done.  I have a few long term heath issues and have tried various approaches in the past such as seeing a  nutritionist, following weight loss diets and exploring health and lifestyle advice via podcasts and books.  I had a particular interest in the immune system, the microbiome and stress.  I was developing a good knowledge of diet and lifestyle behaviours to benefit me but it all felt a little

I was really pleased with the outcome of my sessions with Laura.  I worked with Laura for three months and I learnt a lot during our sessions.  We started off by exploring my goals which were to be healthier and to lose weight.  I had been on many diets in the past but this was the first time I had ever really learnt about nutrition.

Similarly, I had explored veganism in the past but not for the health benefits of it.  Years before these sessions I was for a short time a “junk food vegan” who ate a lot of processed vegan alternatives to meat.

 I found the sessions with Laura to be incredibly informative. I learnt about the nutrient profiles of different plant- based foods.  I no longer lump all fruits and vegetables together and have knowledge about the individual foods and how many of each is best to eat every day.  I found the app that Laura recommended very useful tool to use whilst doing this.  To this day I still use the app.  On this diet I was able to slowly and steadily lose weight.  On previous diets I had lost a lot of weight and then gained it back and so on.  I have continued to slowly lose weight in the year since doing the sessions.  The best thing to come out of the sessions for me was that I now have an intuition about my health and what is good and bad for me.  In the year since doing the sessions I was able to work out that soy – although a very healthy food for many people – was something I personally do not tolerate well.  This kind of intuition and paying attention to my body and what it needs has been an invaluable achievement and came directly from doing these sessions. My skin is much better now and I hadn’t even realised how much my skin was getting me down. Laura is calm and supportive and always replied to questions that I had.  If you’re looking for a holistic approach to wellness and a deeper knowledge of nutrition I highly recommend this coaching.
